Welcome to MP State Livestock
The MP State Livestock and Poultry Development Corporation was established under Statutory Act No. 37 of 1982 on 19th November 1982. The Authorized Share Capital of the corporation is Rs.200 lacs. The capital released by Govt. of M.P. is Rs. 118.23 lacs.
State Level Center Semen Station
It is the only frozen semen producing station of M.P, producing 12 lakh frozen semen doses/year. This institution is ISO 9001:2000 and HACCP certified, it has been awarded ‘B’ grade bycentral monitoring unit of Govt. of India. Purpose of instituti on is to provide high quality frozen semen from pedigreed Bulls of highgenetic potential, for A.I purpose
Grievance Redressal Officer
Dr. K.S. Tomar
Executive Director